How to Delete My Business Page On Facebook | for All Devices

Whether your Facebook page is suggested for organisation, fans, or individual projects, occasionally it's time to say goodbye and also hit the delete switch. How To Delete My Business Page On Facebook: Initially let's make sure we're on the very same page-- no word play here intended! Some individuals wish to erase a web page if it runs out date or unreliable. You can additionally erase a Facebook follower page for an old event, job, or initiative that is no longer relevant. For example, in this tutorial, I'll be showing how to remove a Facebook page developed for a theatre manufacturing from 2 years earlier. Irreversible deletion may not be right for your Facebook page because:

  • You have similar or replicate pages

  • You don't have time to handle and also on a regular basis article on your page

If either of these holds true for you, read the section below of combining as well as unpublishing pages prior to you experience the deletion procedure.

How To Delete My Business Page On Facebook

How To Delete My Business Page On Facebook

Exactly how to delete a Facebook page via desktop computer
As soon as you're you have actually made the decision and you're ready to remove your Facebook page, adhere to these actions. If you're removing your page on mobile, dive ahead to the following area.

1. Sign in to Facebook
Begin by opening up Facebook and also signing into your account.

2. Go to your Facebook pages
In the menu that appears on the left side of the display, choose "Pages," found under "Explore.".

3. Select the Facebook page you wish to remove
On the following display that shows up, you will certainly see each one of your Facebook pages. (The ones visualized below have not been made use of for quite time, making them ideal for this tutorial.).

Click on the page name you wish to erase. Right here, we are deleting the page for a play which hasn't been competing over two years.

4. Click settings
You will certainly currently see your Facebook page. In the upper-right edge, select "Settings.".

5. Click "Edit" in the row that states "Remove page".
You'll now find yourself with a checklist of numerous Facebook settings.

Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the very last row, you'll find the choice "Delete your page." Click the word "Edit" because row.

6. Delete your Facebook page
A notification will certainly show up, allowing you know that you have 14 days to restore the page if you change your mind.

To go ahead and erase your page, click "Delete " You'll locate the words in blue.

7. Click "Delete page".
After you click that "delete" switch, an additional pop-up will certainly show up, asking if you make certain you wish to erase the page.

To make it main, proceed click that big blue "Delete page" switch.

You'll likewise see the alternative to tick a box and also "Unpublish this page." We'll review this choice much more in the upcoming section "Before you hit delete.".

Once you have formally erased your page, a pop-up home window will verify the page has actually been removed. Click OK.

Just how to delete a Facebook page on mobile (iOS or Android)
Would like to know how to remove a Facebook page while you're out as well as about? Here's just how to do simply that.

1. Open the Facebook application
Open your phone's Facebook app, and also visit if required.

2. Click the Facebook menu
In the upper-right edge of your display you'll notice 3 line; faucet these 3 lines for your Facebook menu.

3. Go to your Facebook pages.
In the menu that appears, choose "Pages" with the yellow flag symbol. The order of the menu options can differ; you may require to scroll to find that symbol.

4. Select the page to erase
A list of your Facebook pages will certainly appear; touch the page you wish to remove.

If you do not see the page you're seeking, tap "See all.".

5. Click the three dots
In the top right edge, beside the search bar, click the 3 dots.

Keep in mind: There is an additional choice with 3 dots beside the page button. These 3 dots are to modify your switch; to erase a Facebook page, make certain you tap on the dots right on the top of your screen.

6. Edit page
On the menu that appears, choose "Edit page".

7. Go to "Settings".
On your phone display, you'll see numerous locations of your Facebook page you can select to modify. Tap on the option for "Settings.".

8. Select "General"
You'll now pick the very first option for your Facebook page settings, "General".

9. Go to the Remove page section.
On the following page that appears, you'll need to scroll to the section entitled "Remove page.".

At the bottom of the area, you'll see an inquiry in blue, asking, "Delete ?" Click on these blue words that are tailored to your Facebook name.

10. Erase page on Facebook
Two buttons will certainly show up, along with the notice that you only have 14 days to recover deleted pages.

To completely delete your Facebook organisation page, click on the blue one which states "Delete page".

Prior to you strike remove: Steps as well as options to consider prior to you remove a Facebook page
Once you remove a Facebook page, even if it's within the 14-day restoration period, it can be difficult to get it back.

Save yourself potential migraines down the road and take into consideration combining or unpublishing your Facebook page. Or, if you are positive the time has concerned say goodbye and delete the page, reviewed the adhering to section on downloading your Facebook page information.

1. Merge your Facebook pages.
2. Unpublish or hide your Facebook page.
3. Download your Facebook page data.

How To Delete My Business Page On Facebook as well as A Lot More

If you're deleting an old Facebook page, chances are you may have a couple of other social media sites assets to clean up as well.