Link Twitter Posts to Facebook - the Easy Way

Link Twitter Posts To Facebook - You could want to post your Tweets on Facebook if you handle an account on both systems and also intend to avoid needing to by hand get in the exact same information on both websites. Linking Twitter and Facebook would allow you to post a Tweet as well as have it automatically show up on your Facebook account, as well.

However, in 2018, a Facebook upgrade removed the capability to automatically post Tweets to Facebook profiles. Nonetheless, what had not been affected in the adjustments is how third-party devices can engage with Facebook Pages.

Link Twitter Posts To Facebook

Link Twitter Posts To Facebook

Below are your only options for dealing with Twitter and Facebook.

If you have a Facebook Web page that you desire upgraded continually with each new Tweet you develop, you can transform your Tweets to an RSS feed as well as import the feed into a solution that will auto-post its materials to your Facebook Page.

It seems complex yet it's really really simple: produce an RSS feed from your Twitter profile and afterwards make use of IFTTT to run the feed through your Facebook Page.

This is the contrary connection, where your Facebook posts are sent out to your Twitter profile. This is optimal if your utmost goal with a Facebook and twitter assimilation is to post on simply one site and also let the various other one be taken care of immediately.

Visit the Facebook to Twitter page and also adhere to the instructions to accredit Facebook to access your Twitter account as well as select which sort of Facebook posts need to be instantly Tweeted (status updates, images, links, videos, notes, and/or occasions).

This works with Facebook accounts as well as Pages.

For a Tweet to be made from your Facebook post, the message needs to be offered to the general public. Facebook has directions for doing that if you're uncertain how.


Another way to post the very same thing on your Twitter account as well as Facebook Web page without having to switch in between the websites is to use a social media sites uploading system like Buffer, Later, Hootsuite, or CoSchedule.

You can schedule the same posts on multiple platforms to basically post Tweets on a Facebook Page immediately, as well as vice versa.