How to Go to Facebook Timeline - You Must Know This!

How To Go To Facebook Timeline: Facebook Timeline is where you share your images, messages and experiences on Facebook. On your Timeline you can add a cover image, modify your personal details, view your Facebook activity log, emphasize articles or pictures, update your Facebook standing, share Facebook app activity as well as add brand-new life events to your account.

How To Go To Facebook Timeline

How To Go To Facebook Timeline

Timeline/Profile/Wall-- The web page you see if you click your name at the appropriate top your Facebook homepage; it displays your personalized "Wall" of web content in a reverse-chronological Timeline in the center column. When you go to a buddy's page, their profile page/timeline is what you see. Facebook changed the name as well as function of this feature in 2011, renaming the old "profile" web page as well as "Wall" to "Timeline." The Timeline is basically the same as your old Wall surface.

News Feed is About Friends; Timeline is About You
The secret is to recognize what you are considering when you watch your homepage and also your profile/Timeline pages. The homepage Information Feed is all about your pals as well as what they're doing; your profile web page's Timeline/Wall web content is everything about you. That's something that often tends to flounder newbie Facebook customers-- not comprehending the differences between what gets displayed in each area.

Your Public Timeline/Wall Content on Facebook
New customers frequently additionally fall short to understand that while their homepage as well as its Information Feed are private as well as only get shown to them, their Wall surface content is by default a lot more public. Some newbies additionally get confused by the reality that they have 2 crucial areas on their Facebook-- a homepage as well as Timeline/Wall-- but just see one page (the Timeline/Wall) when they visit their pals on Facebook.

It aids to bear in mind that everybody's account web page and connected Timeline/Wall web content is indicated to be readable by other people, at least by your close friends. It's where Facebook users typically most likely to check each other out, therefore is the one location of their very own Facebook where most people invest a fair amount of time preening as well as questioning just how they look to others. The Timeline/Wall's management devices have changed throughout the years, usually frustrating veteran Facebook customers, but its core attribute as your public face on the social media remains the exact same.