How to View Facebook without Logging In - the Easy Way

How To View Facebook Without Logging In - Facebook enables anybody to view its participants' account web pages; however if you're not a member yourself, you will not be able to see very much. Accessing a profile while not logged in allows you to see the person's account picture, history picture and also perhaps their list of liked pages. You can typically see more details when you're logged in, although many people limit their profile info to only close friends.

How To View Facebook Without Logging In

How To View Facebook Without Logging In

Action 1
Navigate straight to the URL of the Facebook account if you understand it. Generally, account URLs take the style "www.facebook.comjohn.smith".

Action 2
Use Facebook's Individuals Browse web page (link in Resources) to discover the account if you don't know the LINK. While you can utilize various other search engines, such as Google or Bing, the Facebook search web page provides the added advantage of revealing account pictures in the outcomes. Locating the person with a search just works if the person has not blocked his profile from appearing in internet search engine results.

Action 3
Kind the person's name into the search field and also press "Enter." Facebook shows up to 10 matching names. If Facebook finds greater than 10 matching names, it will not reveal you the rest. In this situation, narrow the outcomes by including other search terms along with the name, such as the person's city of house, home town or company.