Facebook event Photo Size New 2019
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Event Photo Size Facebook
Facebook Event Photo Size
2019 Update: Facebook Event Cover Photo Size
Checked and verified January 4, 2019: The suggested Facebook event cover image size is 1200 x 628, like a web link share. This is a 1.91:1 ratio.
I strongly suggest you utilize a bigger image! I examined the display screen size on iPhone, iPad and desktop, in both the Event and also the linked Team. 4 of these six display screen at greater than 1200 pixels large on retina display. Pals, you do not want Facebook stretching your beautiful event Cover Picture.
I suggest 1920 pixels large. You can opt for the 1.91:1 proportion and also make it 1005 pixels tall. Or, just utilize a standard 16:9 shape, as well as know that there will be a little chopping leading and also lower (see theme). The wonderful news is, the chopping is practically similar in all 6 places. I took screenshots so you can compare. On desktop computer there is a minor chopping on the sides.
The Facebook event image size on desktop displays at 1246 x 652 pixels.
The Facebook event image size on iPad displays at 1288 x 674 pixels.
The Facebook event image size on iPhone displays at 1242 x 650 pixels.
ALL of these are 1:1.911 element proportion. This indicates that the size is 1.911 times the height.